Types Of Scars And Their Home Remedies

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Owning one’s skin is the most important thing in life. One has to be comfortable and confident in that. But sometimes scar can happen at any part of the body. This can make one self-conscious about their appearances.

There are many common kinds of scarring that can happen and for that, one may use scar facewash with neem extract daily so that the scars start lightening.  But before that, one has to have a clear idea on different kinds of scars that may happen to people.

Common kinds of scars

Keloid Scarring

These scars happen because of intrusive healing process and they can extend beyond the injured area. Depending on the size of the scars and the area they can lead to extensive irritation on the skin.

Contracture Scars

This type of scarring can happen because of severe trauma and burn and they can also cause the skin to tighten. Similar to other forms of scarring this scar can also prohibit one’s movement, depending on the location.

Hypertrophic Scars

They are almost similar to keloid scars. They stay in the site of the injury and can rise above the skin to cause discomforts.

 Acne Scars

It is the most common type of scar that can happen to anyone and at any time. Even when one goes for an effective acne treatment – acne scars can last a long time and can cause deep pores on the skin.

 Atrophic Scars

They look like a pit on the skin. Atrophic scars happen when fat or tissue layers are lost.

Remove scars at home

Body and scars and heal with the help of effective home remedies. When scars are light and in most cases when one suffers from acne scars, then there are certain home remedies that can actually do wonders.

Aloe Vera

One can get the fresh gel from an Aloe leaf or get one pure topical gel from a drug store. This gel can be applied on the scarred area at least twice a day and in a circular motion. Rinse the gel after keeping it for 30 minutes. This can lighten the scar marks well.

Vitamin E

Get a Vitamin E capsule and pour it over the scar to massage it for at least 2 to 3 minutes. Then wash off the oil and do it again in the evening or at night before going to sleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Here, one has to make a solution by mixing a few teaspoons of ACV with few table spoons of distilled water. Then dip a cotton ball into the solution and then place it on the scar. After that, one has to put a Band-Aid on it and keep it for 15 minutes. After that, one can wash the solution and then moisturize the area to replenish it.

Lavender Essential Oil

Mix a few drops of this essential oil with 2 table spoons of virgin olive oil and then massage the mixture on the scar for 5 minutes. Then keep it for a few more minutes before rinsing it with plain water.

One can also keep using scars neem extract facewash to lighten the scar marks gradually.


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